A revolutionary development: BLOXX. During Euroshop 2023, Exposupply launched the revolutionary BLOXX stacking cubes. After a 3-year development phase, the unique stacking blocks are exclusively available from Exposupply.
The BLOXX stacking cubes are applicable for aluminium frames from Aluvision, beMatrix and Matrixdecor and make it possible to stack and unstack the aluminium frames with as many as 1 person. Moreover, the stacking blocks also last longer and provide savings of up to 50 % !

Up to 50% faster stacking and unstacking of a pallet with aluminium frames. Up to 70% faster for a pallet with different sizes.
Stacking can now be done with 1 employee. This is ideal when staffing is tight. Also for pallets with the largest frames.
Investment recouped with less than 5 times stacking and unstacking a full pallet. Huge savings on labour costs.
BLOXX’s clever design and durable material means its lifespan is at least 10x longer than standard transport corners.